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Specified VM install not found: type Standard VM, name jre6

En lançant sous Eclipse un tache Ant, j'ai le retour d'erreur :

Specified VM install not found: type Standard VM, name jre6

La solution est de configurer la JRE dans :

build.xml -> Run As -> External Tools Configuration -> JRE -> choisissez la jre ou jdk appropriée

ici vous retrouvez l'erreur : [JRE]: Unable to resolve JRE: jre6 (Standard VM).

Choisissez la bonne JRE, et compilez !

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GWT avec Cypal Studio

GWT 1.5 (official version is 1.5.3) is now finally released and not longer a release candidate. GWT is very nice as AJAX toolkit for a java programmer. You code your application in pure Java and all the JavaScript stuff is done behind the scenes. Important is to understand the build process. The Java Source Code is translated by the GWT Compiler to JavaScript Code.

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