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[ERROR] Failed to open the relay log [ERROR] Could not find target log during relay log initialization [ERROR] Initialized Master_info from [ERROR] Failed to create a new master info file [ERROR] Failed to initialize multi master structures - Aborting

Visiblement, suite à changement de configuration réseau DHCP et nom d'hôte, impossible de lancer le serveur MySQL MariaDB.

Puisque je n'avais pas besoin de la réplication,

en modifiant, le my.ini, et rajoutant :

slave_sql_verify_checksum = OFF

et supprimant : master-xxx.info mysql-relay-xxx.index relay-log-xxx.info

le serveur se relance :

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[ERROR] mysqld.exe: Index for table '.\mysql\db' is corrupt; try to repair it Couldn't repair table: mysql.db

Aie ! C'est le drame, MySQL / MariaDB ne se lance plus sous mon installation XAMPP, et le fichier de log (mysql\data\mysql_error.log), indique :

[ERROR] mysqld.exe: Table '.\mysql\db' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
[ERROR] mysqld.exe: Index for table '.\mysql\db' is corrupt; try to repair it
[ERROR] Couldn't repair table: mysql.db
[ERROR] Fatal error: Can't open and lock privilege tables: Index for table 'db' is corrupt; try to repair it

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SPF mail dns

Après avoir bidouillé les enregistrement des valeurs SPF, dans les enregistrement DNS, les serveurs mails indiquaient :

Authentication-Results: spf=permerror (sender IP is
Received-SPF: PermError (protection.outlook.com: domain of placeoweb.com used an invalid SPF mechanism)

Authentication-Results: spf=softfail (sender IP is
Received-SPF: SoftFail (protection.outlook.com: domain of transitioning placeoweb.com discourages use of as permitted sender)

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