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Utilisation du Record Management System (RMS), l'API pour le stockage persistant sur les appareils Java ME.

Entrée en matière avec Wikipédia sur Connected Limited Device Configuration contenant le minimum des classes bibliothèques Java nécessaires pour le fonctionnement d'une machine virtuelle Java (JVM).



Floggy is a free object persistence framework for J2ME/MIDP applications.


Database for mobile applications


J2MEMicroDB is an open source project developed in the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya that provides J2ME developers with several APIs, to manage a relational database (a limited one) on a mobile device.


BaseMovil is a framework for fast development of J2ME applications: a powerful J2ME database engine, a scripting engine and an ui toolkit which is fully integrated with both and allows xml view definition. The framework handles device differences/bugs.

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