GWT et ses versions, son dépôt et snapshots
Versions de GWT
- The GWT Release Notes
- Les différents UserAgent :
- GWT 2.7.0 UserAgent ie8, gecko1_8, safari, ie9, ie10
- GWT 2.6.1 UserAgent ie8, gecko1_8, safari, ie9, ie10
- GWT 2.6.0 UserAgent ie8, gecko1_8, safari, ie9, ie10
- GWT 2.5.1 UserAgent ie6, ie8, gecko1_8, safari, opera, ie9
- GWT 2.5.0 UserAgent ie6, ie8, gecko1_8, safari, opera, ie9
Dépôt des fichiers de GWT et snapshots
- Fichiers GWT : GWT Open Source Project
- Snapshots GWT
Plugin Google pour Eclipse
Ce plugin Google Plugin for Eclipse est initialement destiné à :
En tant qu'ancien utilisateur de Cypal, le passage en Google Web Toolkit 1.6 a nécessité des modifications supplémentaires au changement des chemin vers C:\gwt-windows-1.6.4 pour charger les librairies gwt-user.jar et gwt-servlet.jar
Dans un premier temps, je me suis donc orienté vers le nouveau plugin Eclipse pour GWT,
Lors de la création du projet selon le Quick Start, la validation nécessite d'avoir les 2 SDK (GWT et Google App Engine) installés en plus du simple plugin Google Plugin for Eclipse, et ce même si l'on crée un Web Application Project seulement de type Google Web Toolkit.
Si l'on suit le Google Web Toolkit - Quick Start (avec Eclipse), on est orienté sur Using the Google Plugin for Eclipse qui ressemble fortement au Google Plugin for Eclipse - Quick Start que j'ai suivi pour générer le nouveau projet.
Il ne reste plus qu'a faire un "Run as > Web Application" pour voir le Hosted Browser utilisant Jetty et tournant sur le port 8080 à l'adresse http://localhost:8080/WebApp.html proposant par défaut à un appel RPC exécuté depuis un formulaire html dans la page web.
Et vu que cela fonctionne je ne vais pas perdre mon temps à faire fonctionner Cypal Studio for GWT (2.0 - Alpha)
Dommage par contre que l'on ne puisse pas simplement changer le Projet Facets, pour passer de Cypal vers Google. Vous trouverez sur Using Google Plugin for Eclipse with existing project les méthodes pour importer vers votre nouveau projet.
Les nouveautés de GWT 1.6
Quoi de neuf dans GWT 1.6? indique la correction du bug des @Override interdis sur les implémentations d'interfaces, et explique comment mettre à jour son code.
Les pages HTML ne seront plus généralement situé dans le dossier "public" du module du GWT.
En remplacement du Serveur Tomcat le HostedMode lance désormais Jetty et un nouveau bouton utile a fait son apparition : "Restart Server" permettant de recharger contexte, et servlet.
Déclaration des servlets
Notez que pour la déclaration des servlets, un seul fichier suffit désormais : /war/WEB-INF/web.xml
Les projets avec du code côté serveur (GWT RPC) doivent configurer un fichier web.xml dans /war/WEB-INF/ web.xml. Ce fichier web.xml doit définir et publier tous les servlets associés à l'application Web.
Nom du module ou de l'application
Pour simplifier, on peut renommer le module dans le module.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <module rename-to='myprojectgwtgoogleeclipse'> <!-- Le reste --> </module>
Que l'on inclue :
[html] <html> <head> <!-- --> <!-- Any title is fine --> <!-- --> <title>Mon Application</title> <!-- --> <!-- This script loads your compiled module. --> <!-- If you add any GWT meta tags, they must --> <!-- be added before this line. --> <!-- --> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="myprojectgwtgoogleeclipse/myprojectgwtgoogleeclipse.nocache.js"></script> </head>
Les premières erreurs rencontrées
Déclaration des servlets
[WARN] Server class 'org.jboss.logging.Logger' could not be found in the web app, but was found on the system classpath [WARN] Unable to process 'file:/C:/workspaceEclipse/AppPlanningSmartGwtGoogleEclipse/war/WEB-INF/web.xml' for servlet validation java.lang.IllegalStateException: No such servlet: CheckInfo [WARN] Module declares 1 <servlet> declaration(s), but a valid 'web.xml' was not found at 'C:\workspaceEclipse\AppPlanningSmartGwtGoogleEclipse\war\WEB-INF\web.xml' [WARN] Module declares a servlet class '' with a mapping to '/', but the web.xml has no corresponding mapping; please add the following lines to your web.xml: <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>CheckInfo</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping>
Compilation nécessitant de la mémoire
[ERROR] Out of memory; to increase the amount of memory, use the -Xmx flag at startup (java -Xmx128M ...)
Création d'un EAR incluant le Web Application Project
A la compilation du EAR, Eclipse n'inclus pas le .war uniquement le .jar de votre projet, contrairement à l'utilisation d'un Dynamic Web Project
Voyez les post dans les groupes :
Announcing GWT 1.6...and quite a bit more
Question : I have an interesting question about the Plugin. How do I export a "Web Application Project" to a WAR and/or how do I add that project to an EAR Project?
Réponse : We did not enable the export webapp project as WAR feature for the first release. As a work around, you should be able to build the java project,
EAR + "Web Application Project" instead of "Dynamic Web Project"
Hy, i try GWT 1.6, but, because my new project is "Web Application Project" (created by Google Eclipse Plugin) instead of "Dynamic Web Project", my EAR not contain the .war (there is only include the .jar)
How to publish an EAR including a "Web Application Project (Google)" ?
Effectivement en compressant le contenu du dossier war/myApp + war/WEB-INF en file.war et en les rajoutant au fichier.ear on peut déployer son web en même temps que ses beans inclus dans le EAR.
gwt.xml :
<!-- Examiner la requete --> <servlet class="" path="/Info"/>
war/WEB-INF/web.xml :
<servlet> <servlet-name>CheckInfo</servlet-name> <servlet-class></servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>CheckInfo</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/Info</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> <!-- Nécessite en plus --> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>CheckInfo</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping>
Nouveautés de GWT 2.0
Le mode devel est accessible depuis le navigateur (après avoir installer le plugin) et avoir accéder à votre page GWT suffixée du paramètre d'appel "gwt.codesvr" au serveur en écoute par défaut sur l'une de vos IP et le port 9997
Quand vous utilisez GWT v2.0 sans -noserver, vous naviguez sur quelque de similaire à
où l'option -port est utilisée pour changer le port par défaut de Jetty (hosted devel mod : 8888) en 3010.
Pour changer le port par défaut (9997) du serveur de code GWT en 3060, ajoutez
-codeServerPort 3060
dans la boîte des arguments du programme Program arguments
du lanceur de programmes d'Eclipse Run As
> Run Configuration...
Voyez dans les même rubriques sur le développement de GWT
Différences du compilateur GWT
Options Google Web Toolkit 1.5.3 Compiler
WARNING: '' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use '' instead. (To disable this warning, pass as a JVM arg.) Google Web Toolkit 1.5.3 ( GWTCompiler [-logLevel level] [-treeLogger] [-workDir dir] [-gen dir] [-style style] [-ea] [-validateOnly] [-out dir] [-localWorkers count] module[s] where -logLevel The level of logging detail: ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or ALL -treeLogger Logs output in a graphical tree view -workDir The compiler work directory (must be writeable; defaults to a system temp dir) -gen The directory into which generated files will be written for review -style Script output style: OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or DETAILED (defaults to OBF) -ea Debugging: causes the compiled output to check assert statements. -validateOnly Validate all source code, but do not compile -out The directory to write output files into (defaults to current) -localWorkers Specifies the number of local workers to use when compiling permutations and module[s] Specifies the name(s) of the module(s) to compile
Options Google Web Toolkit 1.6.4 Compiler
Google Web Toolkit 1.6.4 ( Compiler [-logLevel level] [-treeLogger] [-workDir dir] [-gen dir] [-style style] [-ea] [-validateOnly] [-localWorkers count] [-war dir] [-extra dir] module[s] where -logLevel The level of logging detail: ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or ALL -treeLogger Logs output in a graphical tree view -workDir The compiler work directory (must be writeable; defaults to a system temp dir) -gen The directory into which generated files will be written for review -style Script output style: OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or DETAILED (defaults to OBF) -ea Debugging: causes the compiled output to check assert statements. -validateOnly Validate all source code, but do not compile -localWorkers Specifies the number of local workers to use when compiling permutations -war The war directory to write output files into (defaults to war) -extra The directory into which extra, non-deployed files will be written and module[s] Specifies the name(s) of the module(s) to compile
Vous constaterez que la différence majeure se situe dans la classe utilisée et l'option "out" en 1.5 ( qui est désormais "war" sur la 1.6 (
Options Google Web Toolkit 2.0.0 Compiler
C:\java\java.libs\gwt-2.0.0>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\java" -cp gwt-dev.jar Missing required argument 'module[s]' Google Web Toolkit 2.0.0 Compiler [-logLevel level] [-workDir dir] [-gen dir] [-style style] [-ea] [-XdisableClassMetadata] [-XdisableCastChecking] [-validateOnly] [-draftCompile] [-compileReport] [-localWorkers count] [-war dir] [-extra dir] module[s] where -logLevel The level of logging detail: ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or ALL -workDir The compiler's working directory for internal use (must be writeable; defaults to a system temp dir) -gen Debugging: causes normally-transient generated types to be saved in the specified directory -style Script output style: OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or DETAILED (defaults to OBF) -ea Debugging: causes the compiled output to check assert statements -XdisableClassMetadata EXPERIMENTAL: Disables some java.lang.Class methods (e.g. getName()) -XdisableCastChecking EXPERIMENTAL: Disables run-time checking of cast operations -validateOnly Validate all source code, but do not compile -draftCompile Enable faster, but less-optimized, compilations -compileReport Create a compile report that tells the Story of Your Compile -localWorkers The number of local workers to use when compiling permutations -war The directory into which deployable output files will be written (defaults to 'war') -extra The directory into which extra files, not intended for deployment, will be written and module[s] Specifies the name(s) of the module(s) to compile
Options Google Web Toolkit 2.4.0 Compiler
D:\java\java.libs\gwt-2.4.0>java -cp gwt-dev.jar Missing required argument 'module [s]' Google Web Toolkit 2.4.0 Compiler [-logLevel level] [-workDir dir] [-gen dir] [-style style] [-ea] [-XdisableClassMetadata] [-XdisableCastChecking] [-validateOnly] [-draftCompile] [-optimize level] [-compileReport] [-strict] [-localWorkers count] [-war dir] [-deploy dir] [-extra dir] module [s] where -logLevel The level of logging detail: ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or ALL -workDir The compiler's working directory for internal use (must be writeable; defaults to a system temp dir) -gen Debugging: causes normally-transient generated types to be saved in the specified directory -style Script output style: OBF [USCATED], PRETTY, or DETAILED (defaults to OBF) -ea Debugging: causes the compiled output to check assert statements -XdisableClassMetadata EXPERIMENTAL: Disables some java.lang.Class methods (e.g. getName()) -XdisableCastChecking EXPERIMENTAL: Disables run-time checking of cast operations -validateOnly Validate all source code, but do not compile -draftCompile Enable faster, but less-optimized, compilations -optimize Sets the optimization level used by the compiler. 0=none 9=maximum. -compileReport Create a compile report that tells the Story of Your Compile -strict Only succeed if no input files have errors -localWorkers The number of local workers to use when compiling permutations -war The directory into which deployable output files will be written (defaults to 'war') -deploy The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be written (defaults to 'WEB-INF/deploy' under the -war directory/jar, and may be the same as the -extra directory/jar) -extra The directory into which extra files, not intended for deployment, will be written and module [s] Specifies the name(s) of the module(s) to compile
Pour GWT 2 voyez les articles :
- Programmation GWT 2 : Sous le capot de GWT : Les options du compilateur GWT
- Google Web Toolkit : Compile & Debug
Options Google Web Toolkit 2.5.0 Compiler
D:\java\java.libs\gwt-2.5.0>java -cp gwt-dev.jar Missing required argument 'module [s]' Google Web Toolkit 2.5.0 Compiler [-logLevel level] [-workDir dir] [-gen dir] [-style style] [-ea] [-XdisableClassMetadata] [-XdisableCastChecking] [-validateOnly] [-draftCompile] [-optimize level] [-compileReport] [-strict] [-XenableClosureCompiler] [-XfragmentMerge numFragments] [-XfragmentCount numFragments] [-localWorkers count] [-war dir] [-deploy dir] [-extra dir] module [s] where -logLevel The level of logging detail: ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or ALL -workDir The compiler's working directory for internal use (must be writeable; defaults to a system temp dir) -gen Debugging: causes normally-transient generated types to be saved in the specified directory -style Script output style: OBF [USCATED], PRETTY, or DETAILED (defaults to OBF) -ea Debugging: causes the compiled output to check assert statements -XdisableClassMetadata EXPERIMENTAL: Disables some java.lang.Class methods (e.g. getName()) -XdisableCastChecking EXPERIMENTAL: Disables run-time checking of cast operations -validateOnly Validate all source code, but do not compile -draftCompile Enable faster, but less-optimized, compilations -optimize Sets the optimization level used by the compiler. 0=none 9=maximum. -compileReport Create a compile report that tells the Story of Your Compile -strict Only succeed if no input files have errors -XenableClosureCompiler EXPERIMENTAL: Enables Closure Compiler optimizations -XfragmentMerge DEPRECATED (use -XfragmentCount instead): Enables Fragment merging code splitter. -XfragmentCount EXPERIMENTAL: Limits of number of fragments using a code splitter that merges split points. -localWorkers The number of local workers to use when compiling permutations -war The directory into which deployable output files will be written (defaults to 'war') -deploy The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be written (defaults to 'WEB-INF/deploy' under the -war directory/jar, and may be the same as the -extra directory/jar) -extra The directory into which extra files, not intended for deployment, will be written and module [s] Specifies the name(s) of the module(s) to compile
Options Google Web Toolkit 2.5.1 Compiler
D:\java\java.libs\gwt-2.5.1>java -cp gwt-dev.jar Missing required argument 'module [s]' Google Web Toolkit 2.5.1 Compiler [-logLevel level] [-workDir dir] [-gen dir] [-style style] [-ea] [-XdisableClassMetadata] [-XdisableCastChecking] [-validateOnly] [-draftCompile] [-optimize level] [-compileReport] [-strict] [-XenableClosureCompiler] [-XfragmentMerge numFragments] [-XfragmentCount numFragments] [-localWorkers count] [-war dir] [-deploy dir] [-extra dir] module [s] where -logLevel The level of logging detail: ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or ALL -workDir The compiler's working directory for internal use (must be writeable; defaults to a system temp dir) -gen Debugging: causes normally-transient generated types to be saved in the specified directory -style Script output style: OBF [USCATED], PRETTY, or DETAILED (defaults to OBF) -ea Debugging: causes the compiled output to check assert statements -XdisableClassMetadata EXPERIMENTAL: Disables some java.lang.Class methods (e.g. getName()) -XdisableCastChecking EXPERIMENTAL: Disables run-time checking of cast operations -validateOnly Validate all source code, but do not compile -draftCompile Enable faster, but less-optimized, compilations -optimize Sets the optimization level used by the compiler. 0=none 9=maximum. -compileReport Create a compile report that tells the Story of Your Compile -strict Only succeed if no input files have errors -XenableClosureCompiler EXPERIMENTAL: Enables Closure Compiler optimizations -XfragmentMerge DEPRECATED (use -XfragmentCount instead): Enables Fragment merging code splitter. -XfragmentCount EXPERIMENTAL: Limits of number of fragments using a code splitter that merges split points. -localWorkers The number of local workers to use when compiling permutations -war The directory into which deployable output files will be written (defaults to 'war') -deploy The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be written (defaults to 'WEB-INF/deploy' under the -war directory/jar, and may be the same as the -extra directory/jar) -extra The directory into which extra files, not intended for deployment, will be written and module [s] Specifies the name(s) of the module(s) to compile
Options Google Web Toolkit 2.6.0 Compiler
D:\java\java.libs\gwt-2.6.0>java -cp gwt-dev.jar Missing required argument 'module [s]' Google Web Toolkit 2.6.0 Compiler [-logLevel level] [-workDir dir] [- [no]compileReport] [-X [no]checkCasts] [-X [no]classMetadata] [- [no]draftCompile] [- [no]checkAssertions] [-X [no]closureCompiler] [-XfragmentCount numFragments] [-XfragmentMerge numFragments] [-gen dir] [-optimize level] [- [no]saveSource] [-style style] [- [no]failOnError] [-X [no]enforceStrictResources] [- [no]validateOnly] [-sourceLevel [auto, 1.6, 1.7]] [-localWorkers count] [-war dir] [-deploy dir] [-extra dir] [-saveSourceOutput dir] module [s] where -logLevel The level of logging detail: ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or ALL -workDir The compiler's working directory for internal use (must be writeable; defaults to a system temp dir) - [no]compileReport Compile a report that tells the "Story of Your Compile". (defaults to OFF) -X [no]checkCasts EXPERIMENTAL: Insert run-time checking of cast operations. (defaults to ON) -X [no]classMetadata EXPERIMENTAL: Include metadata for some java.lang.Class methods (e.g. getName()). (defaults to ON) - [no]draftCompile Compile quickly with minimal optimizations. (defaults to OFF) - [no]checkAssertions Include assert statements in compiled output. (defaults to OFF) -X [no]closureCompiler EXPERIMENTAL: Compile output Javascript with the Closure compiler for even further optimizations. (defaults to OFF) -XfragmentCount EXPERIMENTAL: Limits of number of fragments using a code splitter that merges split points. -XfragmentMerge DEPRECATED (use -XfragmentCount instead): Enables Fragment merging code splitter. -gen Debugging: causes normally-transient generated types to be saved in the specified directory -optimize Sets the optimization level used by the compiler. 0=none 9=maximum. - [no]saveSource Enables saving source code needed by debuggers. Also see -debugDir. (defaults to OFF) -style Script output style: OBF [USCATED], PRETTY, or DETAILED (defaults to OBF) - [no]failOnError Fail compilation if any input file contains an error. (defaults to OFF) -X [no]enforceStrictResources EXPERIMENTAL: Avoid adding implicit dependencies on "client" and "public" for modules that don't define any dependencies. (defaults to OFF) - [no]validateOnly Validate all source code, but do not compile. (defaults to OFF) -sourceLevel Specifies Java source level (defaults to auto:1.7) -localWorkers The number of local workers to use when compiling permutations -war The directory into which deployable output files will be written (defaults to 'war') -deploy The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be written (defaults to 'WEB-INF/deploy' under the -war directory/jar, and may be the same as the -extra directory/jar) -extra The directory into which extra files, not intended for deployment, will be written -saveSourceOutput Overrides where source files useful to debuggers will be written. Default: saved with extras. and module [s] Specifies the name(s) of the module(s) to compile
Options Google Web Toolkit 2.7.0 Compiler
D:\java\java.libs\gwt-2.7.0>java -cp gwt-dev.jar Missing required argument 'module[s]' Google Web Toolkit 2.7.0 Compiler [-logLevel level] [-workDir dir] [-[no]compileReport] [-X[no]checkCasts] [-X[no]classMetadata] [-[no]draftCompile] [-[no]checkAssertions] [-X[no]closureCompiler] [-XfragmentCount numFragments] [-XfragmentMerge numFragments] [-gen dir] [-[no]incrementalCompileWarnings] [-XjsInteropMode [NONE, JS, CLOSURE]] [-missingDepsFile file] [-Xnamespace PACKAGE, NONE] [-optimize level] [-[no]overlappingSourceWarnings] [-[no]saveSource] [-style style] [-[no]failOnError] [-X[no]enforceStrictResources] [-[no]validateOnly] [-sourceLevel [auto, 1.6, 1.7]] [-localWorkers count] [-[no]incremental] [-war dir] [-deploy dir] [-extra dir] [-saveSourceOutput dir] [-XmethodNameDisplayMode NONE | ONLY_METHOD_NAME | ABBREVIATED | FULL] module[s] where -logLevel The level of logging detail: ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or ALL -workDir The compiler's working directory for internal use (must be writeable; defaults to a system temp dir) -[no]compileReport Compile a report that tells the "Story of Your Compile". (defaults to OFF) -X[no]checkCasts EXPERIMENTAL: Insert run-time checking of cast operations. (defaults to ON) -X[no]classMetadata EXPERIMENTAL: Include metadata for some java.lang.Class methods (e.g. getName()). (defaults to ON) -[no]draftCompile Compile quickly with minimal optimizations. (defaults to OFF) -[no]checkAssertions Include assert statements in compiled output. (defaults to OFF) -X[no]closureCompiler EXPERIMENTAL: Compile output Javascript with the Closure compiler for even further optimizations. (defaults to OFF) -XfragmentCount EXPERIMENTAL: Limits of number of fragments using a code splitter that merges split points. -XfragmentMerge DEPRECATED (use -XfragmentCount instead): Enables Fragment merging code splitter. -gen Debugging: causes normally-transient generated types to be saved in the specified directory -[no]incrementalCompileWarnings Whether to show warnings during monolithic compiles for issues that will break in incremental compiles (strict compile errors, strict source directory inclusion, missing dependencies). (defaults to OFF) -XjsInteropMode Specifies JsInterop mode, either NONE, JS, or CLOSURE (defaults to NONE) -missingDepsFile Specifies a file into which detailed missing dependency information will be written. -Xnamespace Puts most JavaScript globals into namespaces. Default: PACKAGE for -draftCompile, otherwise NONE -optimize Sets the optimization level used by the compiler. 0=none 9=maximum. -[no]overlappingSourceWarnings Whether to show warnings during monolithic compiles for overlapping source inclusion. (defaults to OFF) -[no]saveSource Enables saving source code needed by debuggers. Also see -debugDir. (defaults to OFF) -style Script output style: OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or DETAILED (defaults to OBF) -[no]failOnError Fail compilation if any input file contains an error. (defaults to OFF) -X[no]enforceStrictResources EXPERIMENTAL: Avoid adding implicit dependencies on "client" and "public" for modules that don't define any dependencies. (defaults to OFF) -[no]validateOnly Validate all source code, but do not compile. (defaults to OFF) -sourceLevel Specifies Java source level (defaults to auto:1.7) -localWorkers The number of local workers to use when compiling permutations -[no]incremental Compiles faster by reusing data from the previous compile. (defaults to OFF) -war The directory into which deployable output files will be written (defaults to 'war') -deploy The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be written (defaults to 'WEB-INF/deploy' under the -war directory/jar, and may be the same as the -extra directory/jar) -extra The directory into which extra files, not intended for deployment, will be written -saveSourceOutput Overrides where source files useful to debuggers will be written. Default: saved with extras. -XmethodNameDisplayMode Emit extra information allow chrome dev tools to display Java identifiers in many places instead of JavaScript functions. and module[s] Specifies the name(s) of the module(s) to compile
Options Google Web Toolkit Development Mode (HostedMode)
Options Google Web Toolkit 1.6.4 HostedMode
HostedMode [-noserver] [-port port-number | "auto"] [-whitelist whitelist-string] [-blacklist blacklist-string] [-logLevel level] [-gen dir] [-style style] [-ea] [-server servletContainerLauncher] [-startupUrl url] [-war dir] [-extra dir] [-workDir dir] [-localWorkers count] module[s] where -noserver Prevents the embedded web server from running -port Specifies the TCP port for the embedded web server (defaults to 8888) -whitelist Allows the user to browse URLs that match the specified regexes (comma or space separated) -blacklist Prevents the user browsing URLs that match the specified regexes (comma or space separated) -logLevel The level of logging detail: ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or ALL -gen The directory into which generated files will be written for review -style Script output style: OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or DETAILED (defaults to OBF) -ea Debugging: causes the compiled output to check assert statements. -server Specifies a different embedded web server to run (must implement ServletContainerLauncher) -startupUrl Automatically launches the specified URL -war The war directory to write output files into (defaults to war) -extra The directory into which extra, non-deployed files will be written -workDir The compiler work directory (must be writeable; defaults to a system temp dir) -localWorkers Specifies the number of local workers to use when compiling permutations and module[s] Specifies the name(s) of the module(s) to host
Options Google Web Toolkit 2.0.0 DevMode
C:\java\java.libs\gwt-2.0.0>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\java" -cp gwt-dev.jar Missing required argument 'module[s]' Google Web Toolkit 2.0.0 DevMode [-noserver] [-port port-number | "auto"] [-whitelist whitelist-string] [-blacklist blacklist-string] [-logdir directory] [-logLevel level] [-gen dir] [-codeServerPort port-number | "auto"] [-server servletContainerLauncher] [-startupUrl url] [-war dir] [-extra dir] [-workDir dir] module[s] where -noserver Prevents the embedded web server from running -port Specifies the TCP port for the embedded web server (defaults to 8888) -whitelist Allows the user to browse URLs that match the specified regexes (comma or space separated) -blacklist Prevents the user browsing URLs that match the specified regexes (comma or space separated) -logdir Logs to a file in the given directory, as well as graphically -logLevel The level of logging detail: ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or ALL -gen Debugging: causes normally-transient generated types to be saved in the specified directory -codeServerPort Specifies the TCP port for the code server (defaults to 9997) -server Specify a different embedded web server to run (must implement ServletContainerLauncher) -startupUrl Automatically launches the specified URL -war The directory into which deployable output files will be written (defaults to 'war') -extra The directory into which extra files, not intended for deployment, will be written -workDir The compiler's working directory for internal use (must be writeable; defaults to a system temp dir) and module[s] Specifies the name(s) of the module(s) to host
Options Google Web Toolkit 2.4.0 DevMode
D:\java\java.libs\gwt-2.4.0>java -cp gwt-dev.jar Missing required argument 'module [s]' Google Web Toolkit 2.4.0 DevMode [-noserver] [-port port-number | "auto"] [-whitelist whitelist-string] [-blacklist blacklist-string] [-logdir directory] [-logLevel level] [-gen dir] [-bindAddress host-name-or-address] [-codeServerPort port-number | "auto"] [-server servletContainerLauncher [:args]] [-startupUrl url] [-war dir] [-deploy dir] [-extra dir] [-workDir dir] module [s] where -noserver Prevents the embedded web server from running -port Specifies the TCP port for the embedded web server (defaults to 8888) -whitelist Allows the user to browse URLs that match the specified regexes (comma or space separated) -blacklist Prevents the user browsing URLs that match the specified regexes (comma or space separated) -logdir Logs to a file in the given directory, as well as graphically -logLevel The level of logging detail: ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or ALL -gen Debugging: causes normally-transient generated types to be saved in the specified directory -bindAddress Specifies the bind address for the code server and web server (defaults to -codeServerPort Specifies the TCP port for the code server (defaults to 9997) -server Specify a different embedded web server to run (must implement ServletContainerLauncher) -startupUrl Automatically launches the specified URL -war The directory into which deployable output files will be written (defaults to 'war') -deploy The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be written (defaults to 'WEB-INF/deploy' under the -war directory/jar, and may be the same as the -extra directory/jar) -extra The directory into which extra files, not intended for deployment, will be written -workDir The compiler's working directory for internal use (must be writeable; defaults to a system temp dir) and module [s] Specifies the name(s) of the module(s) to host
Options Google Web Toolkit 2.5.0 DevMode
D:\java\java.libs\gwt-2.5.0>java -cp gwt-dev.jar Missing required argument 'module [s]' Google Web Toolkit 2.5.0 DevMode [-noserver] [-port port-number | "auto"] [-whitelist whitelist-string] [-blacklist blacklist-string] [-logdir directory] [-logLevel level] [-gen dir] [-bindAddress host-name-or-address] [-codeServerPort port-number | "auto"] [-server servletContainerLauncher [:args]] [-startupUrl url] [-war dir] [-deploy dir] [-extra dir] [-workDir dir] module [s] where -noserver Prevents the embedded web server from running -port Specifies the TCP port for the embedded web server (defaults to 8888) -whitelist Allows the user to browse URLs that match the specified regexes (comma or space separated) -blacklist Prevents the user browsing URLs that match the specified regexes (comma or space separated) -logdir Logs to a file in the given directory, as well as graphically -logLevel The level of logging detail: ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or ALL -gen Debugging: causes normally-transient generated types to be saved in the specified directory -bindAddress Specifies the bind address for the code server and web server (defaults to -codeServerPort Specifies the TCP port for the code server (defaults to 9997) -server Specify a different embedded web server to run (must implement ServletContainerLauncher) -startupUrl Automatically launches the specified URL -war The directory into which deployable output files will be written (defaults to 'war') -deploy The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be written (defaults to 'WEB-INF/deploy' under the -war directory/jar, and may be the same as the -extra directory/jar) -extra The directory into which extra files, not intended for deployment, will be written -workDir The compiler's working directory for internal use (must be writeable; defaults to a system temp dir) and module [s] Specifies the name(s) of the module(s) to host
Options Google Web Toolkit 2.5.1 DevMode
D:\java\java.libs\gwt-2.5.1>java -cp gwt-dev.jar Missing required argument 'module [s]' Google Web Toolkit 2.5.1 DevMode [-noserver] [-port port-number | "auto"] [-whitelist whitelist-string] [-blacklist blacklist-string] [-logdir directory] [-logLevel level] [-gen dir] [-bindAddress host-name-or-address] [-codeServerPort port-number | "auto"] [-server servletContainerLauncher [:args]] [-startupUrl url] [-war dir] [-deploy dir] [-extra dir] [-workDir dir] module [s] where -noserver Prevents the embedded web server from running -port Specifies the TCP port for the embedded web server (defaults to 8888) -whitelist Allows the user to browse URLs that match the specified regexes (comma or space separated) -blacklist Prevents the user browsing URLs that match the specified regexes (comma or space separated) -logdir Logs to a file in the given directory, as well as graphically -logLevel The level of logging detail: ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or ALL -gen Debugging: causes normally-transient generated types to be saved in the specified directory -bindAddress Specifies the bind address for the code server and web server (defaults to -codeServerPort Specifies the TCP port for the code server (defaults to 9997) -server Specify a different embedded web server to run (must implement ServletContainerLauncher) -startupUrl Automatically launches the specified URL -war The directory into which deployable output files will be written (defaults to 'war') -deploy The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be written (defaults to 'WEB-INF/deploy' under the -war directory/jar, and may be the same as the -extra directory/jar) -extra The directory into which extra files, not intended for deployment, will be written -workDir The compiler's working directory for internal use (must be writeable; defaults to a system temp dir) and module [s] Specifies the name(s) of the module(s) to host
Options Google Web Toolkit 2.6.0 DevMode
D:\java\java.libs\gwt-2.6.0>java -cp gwt-dev.jar Missing required argument 'module [s]' Google Web Toolkit 2.6.0 DevMode [- [no]startServer] [-port port-number | "auto"] [-whitelist whitelist-string] [-blacklist blacklist-string] [-logdir directory] [-logLevel level] [-gendir] [-bindAddress host-name-or-address] [-codeServerPort port-number | "auto"] [-server servletContainerLauncher [:args]] [-startupUrl url] [-war dir] [-deploydir] [-extra dir] [-workDir dir] [-sourceLevel [auto, 1.6, 1.7]] module [s] where - [no]startServer Starts a servlet container serving the directory specified by the -war flag. (defaults to ON) -port Specifies the TCP port for the embedded web server (defaults to 8888) -whitelist Allows the user to browse URLs that match the specified regexes (comma or space separated) -blacklist Prevents the user browsing URLs that match the specified regexes (comma or space separated) -logdir Logs to a file in the given directory, as well as graphically -logLevel The level of logging detail: ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or ALL -gen Debugging: causes normally-transient generated types to be saved in the specified directory -bindAddress Specifies the bind address for the code server and web server (defaults to -codeServerPort Specifies the TCP port for the code server (defaults to 9997) -server Specify a different embedded web server to run (must implement ServletContainerLauncher) -startupUrl Automatically launches the specified URL -war The directory into which deployable output files will be written (defaults to 'war') -deploy The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be written (defaults to 'WEB-INF/deploy' under the -war directory/jar, and may be the same as the -extra directory/jar) -extra The directory into which extra files, not intended for deployment, will be written -workDir The compiler's working directory for internal use (must be writeable; defaults to a system temp dir) -sourceLevel Specifies Java source level (defaults to auto:1.7) and module [s] Specifies the name(s) of the module(s) to host
Options Google Web Toolkit 2.7.0 DevMode
D:\java\java.libs\gwt-2.7.0>java -cp gwt-dev.jar Missing required argument 'module[s]' Google Web Toolkit 2.7.0 DevMode [-[no]startServer] [-port port-number | "auto"] [-whitelist whitelist-string] [-blacklist blacklist-string] [-logdir directory] [-logLevel level] [-gendir] [-bindAddress host-name-or-address] [-codeServerPort port-number | "auto"] [-[no]superDevMode] [-server servletContainerLauncher[:args]] [-startupUrl url][-war dir] [-deploy dir] [-extra dir] [-modulePathPrefix ] [-workDir dir] [-XmethodNameDisplayMode NONE | ONLY_METHOD_NAME | ABBREVIATED | FULL] [-sourceLevel [auto, 1.6, 1.7]] [-XjsInteropMode [NONE, JS, CLOSURE]] [-[no]incremental] module[s] where -[no]startServer Starts a servlet container serving the directory specified by the -war flag. (defaults to ON) -port Specifies the TCP port for the embedded web server (defaults to 8888) -whitelist Allows the user to browse URLs that match the specified regexes (comma or space separated) -blacklist Prevents the user browsing URLs that match the specified regexes (comma or space separated) -logdir Logs to a file in the given directory, as well as graphically -logLevel The level of logging detail: ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or ALL -gen Debugging: causes normally-transient generated types to be saved in the specified directory -bindAddress Specifies the bind address for the code server and web server (defaults to -codeServerPort Specifies the TCP port for the code server (defaults to 9997 for classic Dev Mode or 9876 for Super Dev Mode) -[no]superDevMode Runs Super Dev Mode instead of classic Development Mode. (defaults to ON) -server Specify a different embedded web server to run (must implement ServletContainerLauncher) -startupUrl Automatically launches the specified URL -war The directory into which deployable output files will be written (defaults to 'war') -deploy The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be written (defaults to 'WEB-INF/deploy' under the -war directory/jar, and may be the same as the -extra directory/jar) -extra The directory into which extra files, not intended for deployment, will be written -modulePathPrefix The subdirectory inside the war dir where DevMode will create module directories. (defaults empty for top level) -workDir The compiler's working directory for internal use (must be writeable; defaults to a system temp dir) -XmethodNameDisplayMode Emit extra information allow chrome dev tools to display Java identifiers in many places instead of JavaScript functions. -sourceLevel Specifies Java source level (defaults to auto:1.7) -XjsInteropMode Specifies JsInterop mode, either NONE, JS, or CLOSURE (defaults to NONE) -[no]incremental Compiles faster by reusing data from the previous compile. (defaults to ON) and module[s] Specifies the name(s) of the module(s) to host
- Google Web Toolkit Blog
- GWT par DNG Consulting