La sélection d'une date avec NOW() ou CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ne fonctionne plus sur des colonnes DATE depuis les nouvelles versions MySQL :
- 5.0.42
- 5.1.18
-- -- Structure de la table `test_date` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `test_date` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ladate` date DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ; -- -- Contenu de la table `test_date` -- INSERT INTO `test_date` (`id`, `ladate`) VALUES (1, '2009-10-27');
Sur MySQL 5.1
SELECT * FROM `test_date` WHERE ladate = NOW(); -- MySQL n'a retourné aucun enregistrement. SELECT * FROM `test_date` WHERE ladate = CAST( NOW() AS DATE ) -- Affichage des enregistrements 0 - 0 (1 total SELECT * FROM `test_date` WHERE ladate = CAST( CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS DATE ) -- Affichage des enregistrements 0 - 0 (1 total SELECT * FROM `test_date` WHERE ladate = DATE_FORMAT(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,GET_FORMAT(DATE,'ISO')) -- Affichage des enregistrements 0 - 0 (1 total SELECT * FROM `test_date` WHERE ladate = DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y-%m-%d') -- Affichage des enregistrements 0 - 0 (1 total
Voyez le beug MySQL Comparing date field with NOW() broken
Currently when a DATE value is compared to a DATETIME value the former is coerced to the DATETIME type by adding zero time part (i.e. "DATE 00:00:00") and then values are compared. DATE values compared as DATE and DATETIME values as DATETIME. To get the old behaviour one should use the CAST() function: SELECT date_field = CAST(NOW() as DATE);
Prior to this release, when DATE values were compared with DATETIME values, the time portion of the DATETIME value was ignored, or the comparison could be performed as a string compare. Now a DATE value is coerced to the DATETIME type by adding the time portion as 00:00:00. To mimic the old behavior, use the CAST() function to cause the comparison operands to be treated as previously. For example: SELECT date_col = CAST(NOW() AS DATE);
Et la documentation :