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Android icon image logo

Sans infographiste sous la main, je vous invite à utiliser l’excellent Android Asset Studio pour tout ce qui concerne la création d'icones image pour votre application Android.

  • Launcher icon generator
    • Generate launcher and store listing icons for your app.
  • App shortcut icon generator
    • Generate app launcher shortcut icons (Android 7.1+).
  • Shape Shifter
    • Create vector drawables and vector icon animations.
  • Notification icon generator
    • Generate notification icons for your app. These show up in the system status bar and notification shade.
  • Simple nine-patch generator
    • Generate nine-patch (.9.png) assets for your app, normally used for custom UI widgets.
  • Generic icon generator
    • Generate square icons for custom use within your app.
  • Action bar/tab icon generator
    • Generate icons for the app bar or tab bars.

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