- Android SQLite database and content provider - Tutorial
- It is good practice to create a separate class per table.
- Thread Safety. If you work directly with databases and have multiple writers from different threads you may run into concurrency issues. The easiest way is to use the keyword synchronized in front of all methods of the provider, so that only one thread can access these methods at the same time.
- One of the challenges with accessing databases is that this access is slow. managedQuery() / As of Android 3.0 this method is deprecated and you should use the Loader framework to access the ContentProvider.
- Utilisation d'une base SQLite sous Android synchronized
- Tutoriel sur l'utilisation de base de données SQLite sous Android
- Créez des applications pour Android Les bases de données
- Utiliser SQLite avec Android
- Comment utiliser SQLite sous Android
- Chiffrer une base SQLite : sqlcipher - SQLCipher for Android Application Integration
- Saving Data in SQL Databases
- SQLiteDatabase)]
Android SQlite
Android SQlite